Farm Carbon Toolkit is pleased to be able to reveal that we are to work in partnership with Wilder Carbon (part of Kent Wildlife Trust) to establish a farm focused approach to developing natural climate solutions (NCS) projects.
For farmers who wish to include natural climate solutions as part of their overall future farm plans, we will be working with Wilder Carbon to provide farmers and land managers with an end-to-end solution to assess, plan, deliver and fund that change, leading to reductions in farm carbon footprints whilst benefiting nature and society. Increasingly, we know that it is vital to respond to both the nature and climate crisis in tandem and this partnership will allow us to support this requirement.
As experts in measuring, understanding and taking action on farm and soil carbon, combined with on-farm experience, we are logical partners for Wilder Carbon. Together we will support farmers and land managers to leverage private capital to enable them to deliver natural climate solutions in an uncertain economic environment.
If you would like to learn more about our partnership, please sign up to our newsletter where we will be sharing new developments.