I’m Izzy, the FCT Agricultural Data Analyst. I have been part of FCT for six months now, but I am still constantly blown away by the passion and expertise shown by our Team when they start digging through a farmer’s soil and eyeing up herbal leys.
Each day in this job can be different, thanks to the breadth of data that FCT collects and uses. From tractors to goats to nitrogen and anaerobic digesters, we count it all. The speed with which our projects progress means there is a great demand for efficiency in handling the data, and so I get to employ every coding technique I can to make the data flow as smoothly and insightfully as possible. The end of July saw us compiling a full data set of carbon footprinting data to calculate the emissions and sequestration for 82 members of the First Milk dairy cooperative.
There is such variety in the farms that we work with, their livestock, crops, inputs and building materials rarely fit easily within one category. Our Farm Carbon Calculator has been built with an eye for detail designed to capture the complexity of the farming world as best we can, but it still makes analysing the data an exciting challenge. As FCT continues to engage in large projects and extend its reach across the UK and beyond, we will be developing and advancing the software we use for collecting and mapping out our data to give us further insights into the way farmers can lead the charge against the climate emergency.