Regular users will have noticed that we have been gradually adding a host of new and upgraded functionality to our Calculator, offering better user experience, and more carbon footprinting opportunities for farmers and the food supply chain. This is an industry-leading carbon calculator that further establishes itself as a major tool to help the food and farming sector calculate, understand and reduce its carbon footprint.
Existing users can now:
- Compare up to 5 reports in detail
- Compare reports along a timeline and track progress toward a net zero target
- View enhanced visuals for live results to get a better overview of their report
- Export all input data as well as carbon emissions (as a .json)
You can now compare up to five reports at once, side by side. This could be from your own farm, or as part of a Group that you belong to. Compare across a range of farms you have access to or look into how your own footprint is changing year on year. Comparisons include overall carbon balance, a range of Key Performance Indicators (e.g. carbon balance per hectare, or per tonne), and right down into the detail of each part of the business.
Progress to Net Zero
We’ve also expanded comparisons to add progress against a target into the Calculator. This means you can track your carbon balance progress toward Net Zero over a given time period.
Visual Insights
We know that deriving insight from your data is hugely important, so we’ve taken the opportunity to upgrade the visuals inside the Calculator, giving you better overview of the detail of your report. You’ll now see interactive ‘sunburst’ charts on our results pages, where you can drill down into detail at each level, but also give a much clearer overview of which parts of your business are creating the biggest emissions.
Exporting data from the Calculator has become easier. JSON exports of your Carbon Report mean that you can now access the data you have inputted into the calculator as an export. Further options to integrate your carbon report with other platforms are coming early 2024.
Next steps
We are constantly improving both the data and processes underpinning carbon reports, as well as making the tool easy to use. Expect a further upgrade in 2024, when we showcase the next round of development. We are responsive to the needs of users, and the trajectory of the sector so that carbon footprinting your farm and food business can become ever smoother and more meaningful, helping us all to decarbonise as rapidly as possible.
There are a range of resources for users of the Calculator on this page https://calculator.farmcarbontoolkit.org.uk/resources, including the popular Data Collection Spreadsheet which gives guidance on how to complete data collection and the process of completing the report.
There are also useful FAQs and a ‘how to’ video on the Calculator homepage. You can also login to access your reports here, or set up a new account if you’re new to the Calculator https://calculator.farmcarbontoolkit.org.uk/
Need more from the Calculator? We can support product footprinting of supply chains involving farms through the use of new functionality currently undergoing beta testing. Contact calculator@farmcarbontoolkit.org.uk if you would like to explore the options with us.