The Land Use for Net Zero, Nature and People (LUNZ) Hub is a research initiative that aims to help drive the transformation of UK land use needed to achieve net zero by 2050.
Farm Carbon Toolkit is one of the partners in the LUNZ Footprint project, which itself is one of five projects focussing on supporting land management towards net zero. Funding for all the LUNZ activity has come from UKRI and is part of the UK’s efforts to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
Project Objectives
The LUNZ Footprint project is led by Professor Julie Ingram at the University of Gloucestershire, with the aim to develop and evaluate a scalable, auditable farm and food-level greenhouse gas accounting framework for UK land use to sustainably reduce emissions.
The project will engage stakeholders across policy and practice to foster net zero compliance and support sustainable agricultural transformation by:
- building capacity and net zero literacy
- testing sequestration predictions
- assessing validation methods
- exploring the governance and equitability implications of scaling
A key part of the overall project is to set up Living Labs involving farmers and growers from across the UK to take part in baselining and ongoing monitoring of their business carbon footprint. Farmers and growers will be supported to complete their baseline and monitoring farm carbon reports and be remunerated (£200/farm/year) for their involvement in the project.
If you would like to find out more about joining the Farm Carbon Toolkit Living Lab please let us know at
Benefits of taking part
Involvement in the research will offer you an opportunity to input into the evidence base for harmonising the current tools as well as informing policy about farm and sector-level contexts and experiences.
You will receive support in understanding how the GHG assessments are conducted and the outputs interpreted.
You will be able to compare your assessments with those from other farms to help them benchmark.
Participating in the training and workshops will be an opportunity to share experiences and outputs and learn from each other as well as experts.
You will receive £200/farm/year + VAT for two years for the additional GHG-related data you provide, in recognition of the time spent on the project.
Project website: