Cornwall Real Food and Farming Conference

Join us to hear and discuss the latest ideas and techniques for farming with nature to provide healthy businesses, people and food.

About this event

An event to excite and inspire the current and future farming community by presenting the latest ideas and thinking around productive and profitable farming methods which enhances our environment and health.

Hear from an exciting line up of local and knowledgeable speakers who will be sharing their first-hand experience of working and farming in the county carefully managing the land, livestock and people to create successful businesses.

10-10.30am – Arrival. Tea and coffee

10.30-10.40 – Introduction. Opening Address

10:40-11:30 – Session 1 – Dirt to Soil This session will set to answer why should we invest in improving our soil health? What is the potential return on investment of using tools like herbal leys and cover crops?

11:30-12:20 – Session 2 – Profitable Farming Systems Can we be productive whilst enhancing the environment and making a fair return? Hear how these farmers are doing just this!

12:20-13:10 – Lunch

13:10-14:00 – Session 3 – All About People How do we create businesses which attract (and keep) good people whilst allowing a generous work/life balance?

14:00-14:50 – Session 4 – Carbon Negative Cornwall Farmers can help reduce and even reverse climate change. What are the opportunities today (to reduce emissions), what other benefits will they bring and how can businesses adopt them?

14:50-15:00 – Tea & Coffee Break

15:00-15:50 – Session 5 – Proper Hansom Food What unique values does produce from West Cornwall have for our customers? As farmers how can we enhance these and secure a share in the extra value?

15:50-16:00 – Closing Address 16:00 Event Ends

Cornwall Real Food and Farming Conference image

Confirmed Speakers


Entry is free and by ticket only, please click on the eventbrite link below. Tickets limited to 2 per business and offered on a first come first served basis with priority given to farming businesses/individuals located in West Cornwall.

Cornwall Real Food and Farming Conference Tickets, Wed 11 Jan 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

For more information please contact:

Philip Pengelly – Penwith Landscape Partnership / 07976 731376

James Daniel – Precision Grazing Ltd / 07534 930484